This week I decided to create a pretty little bathroom vignette. The tub steals the show and acts more as a statement art piece rather than something that is kind of necessary to have in a bathroom. As if the tub wasn't beautiful enough on its own, adding a cement tile with a simple pattern to bring color into the room (before adding accessories) really helped make this space work. I'm partial to watercolor artists, so adding watercolor floral prints into the room was the next natural step to creating this space. I like to think that the florals create a calming atmosphere, which would be ideal for unwinding from the stresses of the day. Imagine being comfortable in this tub with a lit candle, a best seller, and a glass of wine. Can you say heaven three times fast? Without further ado, here's this week's moodboard monday! I already have my copy of "Eat, Pray, Love" and a bottle of Merlot on hand. This is my dream tub and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to have it in my future home someday. Here's the Pinterest board with all of the links to products used above: Here's a link to the Pinterest board I'll be using for next week's moodboard:
Thank you all for joining on my mini moodboard March madness journey. This moodboard is my favorite of the three that I've created for you and I've been waiting all week to share it! This may or may not be my favorite solely because of the cactus painting that the rest of this board was based off of. Bringing nature into everyday designs is one of my goals for every space that I design, so basing this entire mini board off of an element of nature was totally in my element. A piece in the board that's not featured in the pictures above is an agate lamp, which brings out a different aspect of nature than the cactus painting does; it brings a whole new dimension of texture to the room. Agate is one of those trends that I'm totally on board with and that I'll love long after its had its day. Splurging on a lamp like this would totally be worth the investment for one of my clients that has the same love for agate that I do. No more talking about this design- here's the last mini board of this series! What do you think? This board really reminds me of the colors and textures that I saw on my recent trip to Mexico, which is probably why I love this design so much. Here are the links to the items I used above: Stay tuned next week for more full room designs by yours truly! |
the blogHere's where you can come to get your weekly dose of design inspo. Every Monday, there will be a blog post with an original Ashley Marino Designs moodboard, trade-only tips, or ways to help you get the space that you're dreaming of. Enjoy! Archives
January 2018